Publication Ethics

The Art of Teaching English as A Foreign Language ensures that editors, reviewers and authors follow the published ethics of publication.

Duties of Editors

1. Fair play and editorial independence

TATEFL editors are fair and independent in making decisions in managing the journal both in accepting and rejecting to publish articles.

2. Confidentiality

TATEFL editors keep all data confidential, including reviewers and author(s).

3. Disclosure and conflicts of interest

The editor will not use the information for personal benefit without the written consent of the author. Information obtained by editors from manuscripts submitted by authors will be kept confidential. Editors will not consider manuscripts that have conflicts of interest due to competitive, collaborative, or other relationships/connections with the authors, companies, or any institutions associated with the manuscript. If the editor is the author of the manuscript, it is obligatory to submit the manuscript to other members of the editor to be handled

4. Publication decisions

The Editor-in-Chief is responsible to decide which of the manuscripts submitted to TATEFL will be published by evaluating its importance to researchers and readers, the reviewers’ comments, and such legal requirements as are currently in force regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism.


Duties of Reviewers

1. Contribution to editorial decisions

Peer review assists editors in making editorial decisions (accepting, rejecting, requesting revision) and, through editorial communications with authors, may assist authors in improving their manuscripts.

2. Confidentiality

Maintain confidentiality and do not imitate or steal ideas from the reviewed manuscript.

3. Standards of objectivity

Work objectively according to what is known and believed to be a competent expert.

4. Disclosure and conflicts of interest

The reviewer(s) will not use the information for personal benefit without the written consent of the author. Information obtained by reviewer(s) from manuscripts submitted by authors will be kept confidential. If the reviewer is the author of the manuscript, it is obligatory to refuse to review the article.


Duties of Authors

1. Reporting standards

Authors must present an original manuscript that has never been published or is being reviewed in another journal. The writer must also present accurate data and discussion.

2. Data access and retention

Authors may be asked to submit data to the editor and have it ready for publication. The author is not allowed to present confidential data such as identity and contact either phone number or email from the data source.

3. Originality and plagiarism

Manuscripts submitted to TATEFL are original manuscripts and are not the result of plagiarism. The editor will perform a similarity check. If the percentage of similarity is more than 20%, the manuscript will be rejected.